Monday, June 16, 2008

Going great...

Hey all... Sorry I've not updated. Things here are, as you might expect, crazy busy. (and while the iPhone is indeed a great device, it takes a long time to type on this thing.)

Things in Toronto are going very, very well. We are settled in to the church, making new friends, and being the hands and feet of Jesus in both big and small ways.

There are way too many things going on, and too many stories to tell to type them all on here.

I will share one thing though, and then I have to crash...

The last thing we did as a church group this evening (which means it was just us RVCC-ers in the room) was go around and (with no explanation or supporting statements) rate the day on scale of 1 to ten.

16 responses were 7 or higher.

To quote Eric Tiu when we had all gone... "Not the best day ever, but deffinitely a good day"

I am very very proud to be here with all of these kids, and can't wait to see God continue to move in them this week.

Good night.

Blogged from my iPhone

1 comment:

Sarah said...

I am glad everyone is having a good time. I am excited that you are there but can't wait to hear all the stories.