Let me back up... I slept so good last night. Being tired does that to you.
Hrm... Let me back up some more...
While we were in Ted's last night, just as we stepped in the door Jenn nudged me and said "Hey, that guy looks like Jeremy Bush, the drummer for David Crowder Band".

I looked up, and it was Gavin! ( I mentioned him last night ).
I wasn't stalking you dude, really...
Also in the spirit of shamelessly plugging my new friend you can read Gavin's initial post about NYWC here, and follow his Flickr stream of the conference here.
Also, as promised, here is the photo he snapped last night compliments of his Flickr feed.

Anyhoo... where was I...
Oh yeah... I slept really good last night. Jenn's HerStory conference resumed at 8 this morning, so we set our alarm for extra early. I'm sure that by the end of the night tonight, I will be wishing that six hours of sleep had been 10, but what can you do...
We bundled up better today than yesterday, and even though it was crisp outside the wind wasn't blowing so I didn't get cold at all on the walk over. We went back to the amazing wraps joint in the CNN foodcourt for breakfast, which we paired with Starbucks coffee. It was excellent.
Jenn made it back to her session and I returned to the range of LiveWorship's wifi to blog, check email, and chill out. Which brings me back to how this post got started.... In case you forgot, let me remind you...
"It is funny to me how a persons definition of the word "famous" differs so greatly based on the circles they tend to run in..."
I'm sitting here, in kind of an out-of-the-way area next to the main walkway in building B of the Georia World Congress Center... Just a minute ago Duffy Robbins walked by going one way, and then back the other way toting a suitcase ( I'm guessing his materials for his morning session ). Tic Long just walked by, in conversation with someone... and, although I haven't seen him yet this morning, I suspect that Marko is also wandering around here somewhere... Oh! and I just spotted Jarred Hall on his way to the show floor...
Although most of my family, the vast majority of my co-workers, and even many of church friends wouldn't have a clue who these guys are... They are big names. Celebrities, if you will, in this field of Youth Ministry. How cool is it that we get an opportunity to be here and hang out with these guys, learn from them, hear what they have to say, and maybe even pick their brains.
Very cool indeed.
Not sure what the plan for the remainder of the day is... Several sessions I'm planning to hit, Jenn is wrapping up the HerStory conference ( which she says is awesome ). I also forsee more coffee in my immediate future.
1 comment:
i could see that. i'll have to track down jeremy to see if he gets mixed up with jack black as well.
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