Ellie was in the living room in my chair, and Silas was wondering around the house playing with toys, talking to me, and trying to sneak snacks out of the pantry...
Silas started to make a commotion in the kitchen right in front of the sink and when I turned to him he had a lethargic field mouse cornered up against the counter.

Not sure why a mouse would be wandering around in plain sight in the kitchen I grabbed it with a dish towel.
My best guess is that the mouse had been into some D-CON mouse goodies which were stashed back underneath the kitchen sink and was so far gone that he wandered out into the kitchen...
I let Ellie & Silas get a good look at him and then took him outside for a boost up to mouse heaven.
Interesting evening.
I feel so oh I dunno what the word is, I guess maybe crept out. I think my house is getting a major cleaning tomorrow.
Haha! Poor mouse.
you killed him?!?
Sorry Lauren, but yes...
"giving him a boost up to mouse heaven" was just a nice way to say I took him outside and squashed him.
We just found a baby mouse in our house and it was so cute! I wanted to keep it but I think it has germs. I put it in a cup and I put cheese in the cup then I put it outside in my garden with a paper towel. I'm really hoping it lives....
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