So I have one of those tracking things that is supposed to tell me how many people are reading my blog, and how many hits I'm getting and all that good stuff...
The truth is though that I'm such a procrastinator when I do have good ideas, and so busy all the rest of the time that I don't ever go to look at it...
So, I often post blogs, and then wonder ( sometimes for days ) if anyone read it, what people thought, how it came across, should I give up this hobby, etc, etc, etc... ( Yeah, I could go look at the tracking thing, but I've already pointed out that I'm too lazy, and I'm not sure I trust it anyway... )
And then earlier this week something hit me... I was reading one of the many blogs I follow in my RSS reader, and came across a FANTASTIC post! I thought to myself, that I must go on over to the page and see what comments people have made and no one had posted anything!
As I sighed and went back to my RSS reader, I realized something fairly profound
( for me at least ).
I SUCK at leaving comments!
So! ( You were waiting for the point, weren't you?? ) I have decided to be a better commenter. I am making a concerted effort, in the midst of all my blog reading, to leave comments for the other writers who pour themselves into their blogs.
Be it a "Great Post", "Very interesting", "What the heck?!?", or a quick but heart felt response... I want to let the folks who's blogs I'm reading that someone is reading them.
I guess the point to all of this ( does there really have to be a point ) is that if something someone posts on their blog strikes you... ( good, bad, warm fuzzy, what the heck?, whatever ). Let them know!
Last thing.
Marko posted this a while back, and it seems to fit along with this rant so well that I couldn't help but borrow it.

(click for larger)
[ht to lee's things, via marko ]
Roogles out.
i read this ;)
So, as geeky as it is I love when people post to my blog. And, when I have 0 comments I just worry whether I came off totally wrong, weird, odd, whatever. I assume no one can relate when they don't post : / But, the thing is I read blogs that I mean to go back and post something about and I forget. I'm a hypocrite! lol!
Amen brother - For a long time I done an e-mail devotional and rarely heard back...I finally quit because I figured no was benefiting or cared. Later some asked, "why did you quit". When blogging started I thought, I'm not doing it just to be left wondering. However, last week I was bored and started a blog(1 comment so far)and here I am wondering. A, "you really suck" post would be better than silence"!
By the way Roogles I have read your's for a short while and can relate to your thoughts, good blog.And, yes I haven't commented, because I didn't have an account. I will now.
If you want to check my blog
It's a devotional blog
Ha! That thing from marko's blog, I so did that to you! You know, the one about politics -- I linked right to it without even telling you how on the nose you are!
so true!
So! ( You were waiting for the point, weren't you?? ) I have decided to be a better commenter. I am making a concerted effort, in the midst of all my blog reading, to leave comments for the other writers who pour themselves into their blogs.
Greetings, through BlogRush.
I read when I started blogging that a key to generating some traffic and comments was to comment on other blogs.
Great way to buy some comments....I hope you feel better now. All we are ever after is a little bit of acceptance.
ROFL..Dude, I am totally messing with you. I do enjoy comments as well. Lets you know where you are at and I have to say...Sarah is the best commenter! Anna comes in second. But hers are usually sarcastic. John jumps in too.. He totally got my Jesus for President reference in my last post, that He blogged about the book.
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